Best Time to Visit

The best time to visit Bhutan are in Spring (March, April, May) and Autumn (September, October, November). A couple of big festivals (Tsechu) takes place during this time and weather is favorable. The Paro Tsechu in March or April and the Thimphu Tsechu in September attract large numbers of foreign visitors as well as locals. Tsechus are religious festivals of Drukpa Buddhism. The focal point of the tsechus are the sacred Cham Dances, these costumed masked dances typically are moral vignettes, or based on incidents from the life of the 9th century Nyingmapa teacher Padmasambhava and other saints. Most tsechus also feature the unfurling of a thongdrel (or thangka) – a large tapestry typically depicting a seated Guru Rinpoche surrounded by holy beings, the mere viewing of ‘   is said to cleanse the viewer of sin. The thongdrel is unrolled before dawn and rolled up by morning.If you can’t make it to one of these festivals there are smaller festivals somewhere in Bhutan almost every month.

There are also appeals and attractions during the Summer (June, July, august) and Winter (December, January, February) season. You won’t be missing out on the experience and satisfaction of visiting regardless of the seasons. Apart from festival activities that are set during fixed dates, there are also other events you can join in on which is all year long.  . Bhutan is really good to visit almost throughout the year. It will be a bit cold but the perks are you will not see many tourists! Feel like Robinson Crusoe.

We also have a multitude of tour itineraries which you can pick from regardless of the dates. If you miss out on the festivals on the high season don’t fret there is one every month.

Just take a look at the Bhutan festival calendar :

  1. Festivals Calendar 2018
  2. Festivals Calendar 2019 (Tentative)

Better yet to make your stay in Bhutan the most interesting and memorable one, we suggest you to combine your choice of tour itinerary with one of these festivals. Bhutan is really good to visit almost throughout the year. It will be a bit cold but the perks are you will not see many tourists! Feel like Robinson Crusoe.

Please keep in mind that most festivals fall during the peak season so you are advised to book your tour well in advance.

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